- Get yourself prepared: take orders in disciplines and topics you already know well. Be sure to save some sources beforehand so that you don’t spend half the deadline looking for information.
- Write an outline of the paper and allocate enough time for each part but leave something in reserve for proofreading and emergencies.
- Try to isolate yourself from all distractions as much as possible: put your phone on silent, close all the irrelevant tabs, and focus on the job. If you work in a loud environment, put on headphones with some music.
- Allow yourself 1-2 short breaks of 5-10 minutes each to get some rest and avoid making silly mistakes.
- Last but not least, do not jump from one order to another: do the task and then move on to another one.
If you follow these recommendations, the world of urgent orders will become a tasty piece of cake for you.
Good luck!