There are several things that you need to do when you decide to apply to this company to become a freelance business writer. The first week after being accepted as a writer of this organization is very critical, because a good start with your writing can place you in a position that is well ahead of that of experienced writers. That is if you play your writing cards right! A bad start will make it very difficult for you to settle in this industry that is quickly evolving. In order to have a good start, you need to identify your specialties. Selecting a niche as a new writer may sound cliché.

However, it is a fact that a large number of essay writers never actually take time to identify the areas that they are experts in. In this industry, you are given an option to select up to seven areas of specialty, including the area that you studied in college. It is therefore desirable that you make this selection during your first days, as an essay writer is you really want to brand yourself in this organization.
Becoming a Freelance Business Writer
Selecting your areas of specialty is not only important to you but also important to the clients, because when they are giving out work they choose individuals to write their essay that have specialized in those areas where their work lies. If you really want to get higher rating for your work, and therefore be the preferred writer for many clients, it is best that you specialize in a few units, and then work towards being the best writer when it comes to essays in those units. With this organization, the areas of specialty that you select are not always permanent, because you can always modify this list once you have settled as a writer and if your preferences change. Another way of improving your writing career is to begin writing blogs. Writing a blog is beneficial to you, because it helps to develop an effective marketing strategy for the freelance writing services that you provide. As a new writer, it is important that you lay down the foundations of blog writing in the very first week of joining this organization.