Do you enjoy writing? Have past instructors praised you for your writing abilities? Perhaps you are considering a career as a writer, but you face the problem that all writers must deal with: What am I going to write about! There are several different ways you can choose themes for your articles. As a beginner it is good to look at all the options and decide which best fits your needs and style. You should always look for topics that interest you, but that decision can be based on several factors. One of these involves determining your purpose for writing. Also, think about where you want to market your skills. Finally, be aware of what is trending and what people are interested in reading about.
Article writing jobs are a specialized kind of writing
You have to be the expert on your subject. You need to be credible. As you prepare for your first writing job, the first thing you need to do is to assess your interest areas as possible areas of expertise. For example, what do you do in your spare time? Do you enjoy playing a sport or making something? Do you have a hobby like collecting, bird watching, or sky diving? Think about how much you know about your hobby that may not be common knowledge. If you find things you are enthusiastic about, that energy and interest will show in your paper.
It also is important to consider where your work will appear. If you are writing articles that will appear on the internet, how are readers going to find your work. If you have been assigned to write within a specific area, find an aspect that you are familiar with or interested in writing about. For example, if you are writing about new movie releases, think about recent movies you have seen. Settling on one aspect of a larger topic can help you decide where to focus your writing. Maybe you want to concentrate on science fiction movies, or you might be an avid fan of action and adventure. Those would be a way to narrow your theme and make your article focused and interesting to your target audience.
It is also very helpful to think about where you are going to send your article. Blog articles are often short, contain a few very specific details, and are geared to reach a certain audience. Young mothers are seeking out parenting tips, college graduates are looking for that workplace edge, and retirees have extra time to devote to pass times and hobbies. If you have experience in any of these areas, then you may want to develop your article around one of those themes.
Another great way to decide on a topic is to read what others are writing. Recently, a series of books and then movies made a large segment of the population wild about vampires. Articles on health care reform, immigration issues, and the economy abound. In times of economic difficulties, saving money is on everyone’s minds. To be a good writer, you must also be a good reader. People will take the time to read articles that are timely and relevant.
In the end, the most important tip a beginning writer can have is to be your self. Write about what interests you most. Make sure your facts are accurate and your presentation is organized. Proofread your work and strive for excellence. In the end, the topic isn’t as important as the writing itself. What you choose to write on is your choice; be yourself!