Writing is a very interesting career. It becomes even more interesting when the writer writes something new. It is very educative because, every time a writer writes about something new, he, or she, learns many new things. This happens with researchers who, at all the times, get to find out new facts. This makes writers the happiest workers, who never get bored with their work.
Patrick developed the urge to become a writer because of the flexibility that is associated with a writing career. He loved writing because he would hardly lose interest in it. He would always be writing for different clients. He was aware that every client had his, or her, own likes and therefore, he would not write the same thing all the time. He also had a great passion to learn more every day. Patrick understood that this would give him the opportunity to learn many things as he wrote to serve his clients.

In college, Patrick put a lot of effort in languages. He put a lot of effort in English language, because he knew it was the language to use in his writing career. In college, Patrick became very friendly to lecturers so that he would get the best from them. He would consult them every time he was unable to write something well. He wanted to be a good writer for his own sake, on top of passing exams. He was certain he would use his writing skills after college. After graduation, Patrick was employed by a different college as a lecturer. He taught students very well. Students liked him very much. His youthful age made him very active. He would be in class on time. Students loved him because he did not waste their precious time.Patrick was not satisfied with the salary he was getting from his employer. He wanted a better salary to cater for his young family. He had a family and the salary was not meeting the basic needs of his family. This made Patrick keep searching for greener pastures, both locally and internationally. One evening when he was browsing through his computer, he set his eyes on writing jobs advertised on a website. He was very excited and keenly followed the requirements of the ideal candidates. He was happy to have all the qualifications of the writers that were needed. He called his wife and showed her the jobs online. His wife advised him to submit his application immediately.
There were three job opportunities. He chose to apply for all of them. He stated with writing jobs Toronto. Patrick was to get his travel documents, together with his family, ready, in case he qualified to get the job in Toronto. He called his friend and asked him to apply for the writing jobs Toronto. He wanted to have company in case he got the chance to travel to Toronto. In case he did not succeed in getting the first opportunity, Patrick had a second chance.
He applied for freelance writing jobs Canada
This was a bit simpler because he would work at home. He would become a freelance writer and would not travel outside his country. He prayed to be selected as a writer, in the freelance writing jobs Canada, because he would be relieved of the burden of looking for travel documents which were costly, as well as time consuming, to get. He submitted the application and waited for the response.
After duration of exactly three days, he got a response from Canadian freelance writing company informing him that he had been considered for the writing job. Patrick rejoiced together with his family. He was sure that he would make enough money for the family, as well as investing heavily for their future. The Canadian freelance writing company sent Patrick a test essay to do. The company wanted to test his competency in writing and understanding of the English language. Patrick answered all the questions right. He was given the go ahead to become a writer for the company. Patrick wrote clients’ papers very well. He was fast enough. He could write several papers within a very short time. The company gained trust in him and encouraged him to keep up.